Confinamix #12
Digital mixtape
Série de mixtapes diárias iniciadas com o segundo confinamento em 15 de Janeiro de 2021. Música disponível na (ou a chegar à) Flur. Novidades e futuras novidades, destaques a artistas e editoras ou simplesmente música que apetece partilhar nesse dia, do mesmo modo que escolhemos os discos que se ouvem na loja física.
A series of daily mixtapes initiated when the second lockdown was declared in Portugal (January 15, 2021). Music available or soon to be available at Flur. News and future news, artist or label highlights or simply music we feeel like sharing on a given day, just as we choose the music that plays in the physical store.
Kolorit - Track 6 ("Workshop XXI", Workshop)
Kraftwerk - Sex Objekt ("Techno Pop", Kling Klang)
Grace Jones - Inspiration ("Living My Life", Island)
Nav Katze - Nobody Home - Ultramarine remix ("Never Mind The Distortion", SSR)
The Red Crayola - Former Reflections, Enduring Doubt ("The Parable Of The Arable Land", Charly)
Maas - Festina! ("Latitude", Soma)
Laurel Halo - Sun To Solar ("Dust", Hyperdub)
The Black Dog - Kings Of Sparta ("Temple Of Transparent Balls", GPR)
Carl Stone - Sonali ("Electronic Music From The Eighties and Nineties", Unseen Worlds)