Music For Stowaways
Ali numa terra de ninguém pós-Human League e pré-Heaven 17, Ian Craig Marsh e Martyn Ware faziam uso de material certamente sobrado dos Human League de "Travelogue" e "Reproduction" e antecipavam (claramente em "Groove Thang") o álbum que viriam a gravar como Heaven 17 no mesmo ano de 1981. O título do disco deriva do nome dado ao primeiro walkman Sony comercializado no Reino Unido (Sony Stowaway) e a ideia-base era a de uma banda sonora em movimento para quem usasse o aparelho. Esta música, no entanto, tornou-se clássica e perdurou no tempo também porque não é exactamente a pop electrónica bem sucedida na época. Exclusivamente instrumental mas nunca inacessível, o álbum existe num óptimo limbo entre a cold wave, industrial, synth pop e kosmische alemão, tudo designações que se interligam frequentemente. Disco de intenção, "Music For Stowaways" também inaugura a British Electric Foundation, a companhia criada pelos dois músicos para adquirir outro poder negocial com editoras como a Virgin (que editara os Human League e editaria os Heaven 17). Documento fundamental e indisponível há muitas décadas.
"The first reissue of seminal early 1980's electronic recordings from the British Electric Foundation (B.E.F.), aka HEAVEN 17 / ex-THE HUMAN LEAGUE's Martyn Ware and Ian Craig Marsh, with Adi Newton (CLOCK DVA / THE FUTURE), and John Wilson (HEAVEN 17), originally a cassette-only release (1981). Following two groundbreaking albums ('Reproduction' and 'Travelogue'), the original line-up of Sheffield-based The Human League split in half in late 1980. The two primary musicians in the group, Martyn Ware and Ian Craig Marsh, formed a new production company - the British Electric Foundation (B.E.F.) - and signed a deal with Virgin Records to write and produce up to six albums a year. The artists they were to produce would include Heaven 17, their own new band formed with vocalist Glenn Gregory. B.E.F. would also release their own material, commencing with the music on this collection, which was issued in various permutations in 1981-82. Its initial release in March 1981 was a limited edition numbered eight song cassette entitled 'Music for Stowaways', with 'Stowaways' being a reference to the original name for the then-new Sony portable cassette player - later renamed the Walkman - of which B.E.F. were great fans. 'Music for Stowaways' was intended to be listened to on such a device. The cassette was followed by a seven song LP, 'Music For Listening To', which had a slightly different tracklisting, while other B.E.F. music was utilised for B-sides of early singles by Heaven 17. This music was among the first recorded by Martyn and Ian directly after their departure from The Human League. Some tracks had evolved from other recordings they were working on at the time, such as 'Groove Thang' - an instrumental version of the debut single by Heaven 17 - and 'The Old At Rest', which derived from a version of 'Wichita Lineman' by Jimmy Webb, their very first recording with Glenn that would subsequently appear on B.E.F.'s 'Music of Quality and Distinction, Volume One' covers album in 1982. Supporting musicians on 'Music For Stowaways' included Adi Newton of Clock DVA (who had been a member of The Future with Martyn and Ian pre-Human League) on the track 'Uptown Apocalyse', with John Wilson (who provided incredible guitar and bass for Heaven 17) appearing on Groove Thang." (Label PR)