Oocyte Oil & Stolen Androgens
Black To Comm
Um universo simultaneamente recolhido sobre si próprio e aberto a fontes sonoras externas, tecendo composições esotéricas em que a linha separadora entre virtual e real, passado e presente, é ténue. "Gepackte Zeit (für Hanne Darboven)", por exemplo, transporta uma certa característrica de "música destruída", até em linha com Gustav Metzger (citado na primeira faixa do álbum), mas a fabricar beleza a partir da indefinição. Recordamo-nos de Tim Hecker ou William Basinski. Na final "Rataplan, Rataplan, Rataplan (Arms and Legs Flying in the Air)", Marc Richter deriva para uma quase cenografia de palco, com texto a pontuar ritmo expressivo que imaginamos colado a uma coreografia moderna. Referências díspares, manipulação de som e até um certo grau admitido de falsificação, parte do processo criativo e, claro, do charme na relação virtual entre autor e ouvinte.
"The music of Black To Comm is as powerfully intoxicating as it is subtly unnerving. Shapeshifting producer and sound artist Marc Richter has established himself as one of the most inventive and ambitious voices in contemporary music. Richter’s mastery of sonic manipulation is matched only by his astounding clarity of vision. Working heavily with sampling and electronic processing, each of his phantasmagoric works is meticulously constructed from a truly omnivorous array of smudged samples, found sounds, and other sonic detritus, collected by Richter from across the history of recorded music and altered into beguiling new shapes. Sound sources seem tantalizingly familiar and yet forever just out of reach, flickering at the edges of memory and perception or submerged in a bristling sea of static. A single piece might strafe elements of Eastern European folk, medieval plainsong, sky-clawing metal and shimmering ambient music, all ingested by Richter into his singular sound-world. Oocyte Oil & Stolen Androgens sees Richter’s turn his wild imagination to an exploration of the human voice, compiling some of his most immediate and affecting music to date." (Label PR)