Those Who Do Not
Psychic TV
Esta gravação ao vivo fez originalmente parte de uma série de 23. Concerto gravado em Reykjavik em 1983, com Genesis P.Orridge assistido por John Balance e Peter Christopherson (pré-Coil), Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson, Alex Fergusson e John Gosling (Zos Kia). Poder ainda intacto transportado de uma cultura psicadélica (isso nota-se num ou outro momento) para o submundo escatológico, contra natura, contra sistema habitado por estes personagens. Habitual os concertos tomarem a forma de rituais de catarse, celebrando o caos e o confronto. Longe de ser um documento direito, limpo, "Those Who Do Not" começa por se definir no título e procura honrá-lo nas mensagens ainda bastante punk que passam pela voz de Genesis. Para fãs, completistas ou nihilistas.
"The sound of the classic period of Psychic TV - featuring Peter Christopherson and Geff Rushton (John Balance) of COIL, this full show is interspersed with recordings of the Pagan marriage between Genesis and Paula P-Orridge conducted by Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson Allsherjargodi. Psychic TV at their most esoteric, their most ritual, and often most extreme, a perfect accompaniment to the legendary 'Dreams Less Sweet' album of the same year. "Thee First Will To And Testament Ov Psychick TV. All our works remain interconnected, interfaced, and intentional. Thee Process is thee Product". These recordings ov a live disconcert by Psychic TV in Reykjavik, Iceland that took place November 1983 organised by HÖH and GRAMM Records, to whom, eternal and infernal thanks all ways. Out of print for 23 years, this is the ultimate edition for Psychick Youth - meticulously remastered, with the track order finally arranged into what was the original show. CD in glossy digipak with 12-page booklet." (Label PR)