Zenith / Serrinha Do Alambari
Loïse Bulot / Martina Lussi
Nascidas em contextos diferentes, a francesa ?tium descobriu que peças recentemente criadas por Loïse Bulot e Martina Lussi fariam sentido num único LP. As peças ligam-se apenas pelo sentido de gravitação, são obras de cerca de quinze minutos que exploram variações de som e o modo como influenciam a percepção do ouvinte. "Zenith", de Loïse Bulot, é um alarme calmo em constante mudança. Uma viagem de viagens, apoiada em paisagens cósmicas, com uma sensibilidade avassaladora. Se o lado de Bulot é uma viagem, "Serrinha Do Alambari" é um passeio. A ideia é que seja mesmo isso um passeio, combinando field recordings com outros sons, Martina Lussi trabalha a percepção de o ouvinte e simula o movimento. Para ser ouvido com auscultadores. Uma delícia. Edição limitada a 100 exemplares.
"We are delighted to present Zenith / Serrinha Do Alambari Soundwalk, a new split release gathering the works of contemporary artists Loïse Bulot & Martina Lussi. Both offering a very distinct aesthetic approach in their individual oeuvres, their paths and inspirations cross here for this special occasion. The two musical pieces invite you to listen to them as you see a landscape : you do not decode nor read it, but travel across and lose yourself within it, starting in the solar system through Zenith, before heading towards a tropical rainforest with Serrinha Do Alambari Soundwalk. Loïse Bulot's original octophonic piece, Zenith, has been commissioned by INA-GRM for Akousma Festival 2019 edition in Paris. Here mixed in stereo, this electro-acoustic composition made of piano strings recordings, exponential speed variations, circular movements and attraction phenomenons depicts surprisingly well the complex sun's gravitational force on the planets. Serrinha Do Alambari Soundwalk was composed by Martina Lussi during an artistic residency at Silo - Arte e Latitude Rural in Brazil. The work was originally presented on headphones and experienced as a soundwalk through the Brazillian forest around Serrinha Do Alambari. The sound piece contains field recordings including foot steps, breathing noises, snatches of voices and eletro-magnetic interferences. To explore the fluidity between the inner perception of the body and the sounds that surround us, the artist recorded mostly with binaural microphones whilst walking." (Label PR)