Cut From Inside
Uma das mais intrigantes e complexas bandas na prolongada fase de transição entre pós-punk e dança industrial. Editado em 1983, "Cut From Inside" aparece desde logo como tradução bastante perfeita do que era o funk no norte de Inglaterra (Sheffield, neste caso), um híbrido muito sui generis entre a marca deixada pela Motown e a soul americana e o eco gótico dos tempos. Várias faixas no álbum ("Flesh Metal", "Church Juice", "Release The Grip", "Stretch the Attitude") apontam numa mesma direcção de catarse, bateria em regime rápido e intenso, vozes urgentes, em cântico, repetindo palavras e frases, um turbilhão rítmico destinado a acelerar o passo em direcção a um outro futuro. Óptimo.
"Hula were founded in Sheffield in 1981. Three members (Mark Albrow, Alan Fish and Ron Wright) lived with Stephen Mallinder (Cabaret Voltaire) and Paul Widger (They must be Russians, Clock DVA, the Box) in a villa called Hula Kula. After trying the bass players Alan Watt and Chris Brain (Tense, NOS) Hula recorded the impressive debut album Cut From Inside with Mark Brydon (Chakk, Moloko). Ingredients like cut ups, steady rhythms, and paranoia vocals were blended together into a unique white funky sound. Cut From Inside originally came out on Red Rhino Records in 1983. One year earlier, the first EP under the name Hula was released, entitled Black Pop Workout. It was mostly recorded at Cabaret Voltaire's Western Works studio. This re-issue collects all of Hula's earliest works prior to the seminal second album Murmur. Remasterd by Martin Bowes for this CD." (Label PR)
1. Flesh Metal 2. Mother Courage 3. Church Juice 4. Murder In The Clean State 5. Release The Grip 6. Dirt Talk 7. Stretch The Attitude 8. Subliminal 9. Feeding The Animal 10. Ignoring The Famine 11. Sacred Serials 12. Junshi.